My Biggest Installation Art at National Gallery of Malaysia.

Talking Art: My Installation Art Called "The Witnesses" at Malaysian National Gallery.

Detail of installation art.
     This art installation is inspired by the plight of my people, the indigenous people of Malaysia who are facing the extinctions of the natural environent due to deforestation and iilegal logging. The faces of the indigenous people mourning the loss of thier jungle are central feature, aiming to illustrate the human dimension of deforestation.

Deforestation throughout Malaysia is not just destroying the Orang Asli's cutomary lands but it also destroying our national heritage and ecosystem. The Orang Asli believe that the jungle is where the spirits of thier ancestors go when they pass away and the destruction of the rainforests where most of them live is directly disturbing the living and the dead among them.

"The Witnessnes"
Pandanous Weaving, Soil, Nipah Weaving, Chainsaw, Dried Leaves, Bamboo, Nylon Strings, and Acrylic
Installation Art,

Much of my personal experience as a child is reflected in this work. The forest nearby my village was encroached by illegel logging. Traditional Temuan community in which i grew up depeneded on the forest to sustain a traditional life style praticed by countless generatioms prior, such as collecting jungle vegetables, hunting and collecting materiaal for basketry and house-building. But now, virtually all the rainforest in the area has been destroyed and village life and culture has been on the wane.

Here is video of the installation. Please click to view the video on my youtube channel.
