Exploring new art technique during lockdown!

It is weird to think in this age (2020) where are had to dealt with this pandemic. But hey that's human do, learn from mistake. Im sure this pandemic is human mistake on what ever they had been doing. Anyway, as artist i think i dont feel this as different than my normal life. As i always work indoor in my studio most of time. But i since i stuck indoor for three months i managed to do printmaking and exploring how to edit the videos. Here are the work i been doing since the lockdown.

Toturial video how to  make ts-hirt prints using woodcut.

During the lockdown I also developed a youtube channel and i managed to created some content to share. Especially my artwork and my life as artist. You can watch the video contents i made it during the lockdown.

Here is the t-shirt prints toturial video in my youtube channel.

Woodcut block for printmaking.
